The Nutty Chocolatier Co. Ltd

The Nutty Chocolatier Co. Ltd
3-16050 Old Simcoe Rd, Port Perry, L9L 1P3, Ontario, Canada
CANADA TOLL FREE: 1-888-631-6666 (Head Office)
Phone: (905) 985-2210 Please see "Locations" page for store phone numbers
Fax: (905)-985-2747



  SKU Product Our price
2825 Coloured Flower Sucker CA$8.49
2836 Coloured Swirl Sucker CA$10.99
2852 Dog - Dalmatian Sucker CA$6.39
2820 Eiffel Tower Sucker CA$6.79
2845 False Teeth Sucker CA$7.59
2831 Figure Skate Sucker CA$8.59
2850M Golf Bag Sucker CA$5.59
2828 Hockey Skate Sucker CA$6.39
2822 Horse Head Sucker CA$14.99
2853 Ice Cream Cone Sucker CA$6.59
2823B It's a Boy Sucker CA$6.79
2823G It’s a Girl Sucker CA$6.79